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Friday, March 12, 2010

The Way I See It


  1. You will definitely impact your students, and that is something they will remember throughout their life even if they forget what they learned in your class! So I think it's great that you plan to be reflective and make a positive difference in your students' lives.

  2. Dude!, how do you change the message lead in like that? Anyway, your paper made me think a little bit about how much power we do have, and some of the fears that come with it. It brings me back to last semester in our methods class where there were the statistics for good teaching and bad teaching. Bad teaching has such a huge impact. Its kind of like working out and eating right I imagine. You work out for a year, you see some different feel good, blah blah, and then, you slip, eat poorly, and stop getting exercise. The progress you made in one year gone in a few months. I would like to hear more about the life lessons, and what I mean is how this was carried out etc.

  3. Dude, it is so awesome to hear you speak about education. I am so honored to say that you are my friend and colleague. I love that you see education as collaborative and not solitary. I know that with a lot of the people in the cohort this year we are going to make a huge impact on education. I know you are going to as well. Thanks for having passion for this profession man, I know you'll do great things.


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